Sorry about the delay

I know it has been a long hot minute since I updated this page. Sorry about that but I have been extremely busy. So busy that I have come off a science fiction film shoot to do Wizard of Oz for ballet returned to Tidewater Comicon. Left there and gone straight into Hair and makeup for Community Players of Salisbury’s production of Kiss me Kate. Come in from doing face painting at the Selbyville DE Old Timers Day .  Next up is Fredericksburg Comicon followed by the premiere of Farragut Forward in July. Which springboards into the indiegogo fund raising for the sequel to be filmed this fall. Oh and Ocean City Comicon where I won third place in the costume contest last year has asked me back once again in December when the show expands to 2 days. So yeah I have been a tiny bit busy but I made it out to Dover Comicon this month and to Ocean Renaissance. So pardon my dust as I catch a nap before heading to GenCon in Indianapolis next month end. 

Spring has Sprung

Which means I am hopping busy. So far March has featured back to back weekend conventions and travel to Virginia to see friends. I had a wonderful Easter Mini Photo Shoot with Culling Innovations where the Queen of Hearts showed up to teach Alice the fine art of Croquet in Wonderland. It would appear children may need a new way to get their eggs and candy. April brings with it some smaller local conventions which I hope to attend, but first Charles Townsend is filming a documentary about Women in Cosplay and we have an interview scheduled. After that Ocean City Maryland is hosting both the Ocean Reniassance Festival the  15&16th to be followed by a new convention of its kind. OC Animae will debut April 29 & 30th. I am hoping to be able to find time to check out both if my schedule permits.
Busy working on a new cosplay in preparation for my debut at TideWater Comiccon in Virginia Beach in May. So keep hopping.

Haunting Virginia

September 19 2022 -It is about this time of year every year so far that I have been spending alot of time in Virginia. I spent one weekend in Norfolk checking out the expanded  Tidewater Horror convention  and then just this pat weekend I was back at Hampton Roads for  the 2022 Haunted Screams Expo. True to form I brought costumes and did a little shopping amongst my merchant friends. I was unable to be part of the Monster On Makeup Wars challenge this year as my  makeup artist was away on assignment, but I did manage to bring home second place in the Adult Costume Contest. < Many thanks to Charles A Townsend for the amazing images he captured while at Haunted Screams.>This gives me just a few weeks to get together all the pieces I am making for Culling Innovations Halloween Mini Photo Shoot in Salisbury MD on October15th. But First...I have the distinct honor of having been asked to help with makeups for Farragut Forward a local ongoing Star Trek tribute  You Tube Film short being done locally. So Time to clean up my kit and polish up on my beauty skills. 

"Oh Look Another Glorious Morning. It Makes Me sick."- Winifred Sanderson Hocus Pocus

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

August 2022- So fall is finally here. That means I am kicked into high gear once again. Maryland Renaissance festival last weekend. This week I am on the road again to Norfolk VA for TideWater Horrorcon with a quick side trip to  check out this years Howl-O-Scream at BuschGardens Williamsburg. Still working on costumes for next weeks Haunted Screams in Hampton VA as well.  So busy but things keep squeezing into my jam packed schedule with a new special event I just got asked to help out on in Fredrick MD in October...Shh...mums the word for now..must not Jinx it. I have been getting some amazing conversations with a few local independent film makers and discussing their projects.  All this leading up to  my first trip to  FaerieCon in Baltimore in October and as quick trip to World Oddities..all before Halloween. Then there is the HUGE project I have been working on for my return to Ocean City Comicon once again in December. Never fear dear friends things are very active here @ Nightmares & Dayscreams. Can't forget to mention my true new collaborations with David Insley of Culling Innovations coming up in just a few weeks.  Time to get Spooky!! Many thanks to the one and only Father Evil for this stunning photo from our reunion at  Scares That Cares Charity Weekend 2022. 
 **I was So Thrilled to see that FatherEvil recieved a special recognition Award at the New Jersey Horror Film Festival  on September 17th and I truly wish I could have been there to celebrate his special moment with him. Well done my friend. You deserve it.** -xoxo

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Been a very busy fall so far

I have been on the go since early fall and even when the conventions are done for now. I had projects to work on. I hit the Maryland Renaissance Festival and then World Oddities convention in Baltimore. I had the pleasure of  being invited to join the crew of Farragut Forward as they started filming and join this dedicated team. That was followed quickly by a Halloween  Mini-Photo Shoot  for Culling's Innovations where I had fun creating an Elfin Archer and an Ogre ala D&D or World of Warcraft. I built armor and other props as well as  set up and did a full makeup application on location the morning of the shoot.  But no rest for the wicked with Halloween coming up quickly. I have a consult to help out on Little Women the Musical with The Community Players of Salisbury right after Halloween and I am off to  Lancaster PA before joining the Unseelie Court at the triumphant return of Faeriecon to Baltimore MD October 28-30. I can hardly wait to dress and go down for the Bad Fairies Ball.
But enough for now. I must get back to work because I was invited back as Mrs. Claus for  another Christmas Mini-photo shoot November 5th and then it is onto preparations for the Ocean City Comicon for my 2nd year as a presenter. See you there December10th.Happy Halloween!! 
Many thanks to  my friends at Exalted Boudoir in Norfolk VA for the amazing images captured. We are already planning a return once the very busy season slows and there is time for more captivating images. You need to see the stunning Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy session she shot. I wish I could take credit for them but they are too striking for me to not share them.

Fall Flings and Thrills & Chills

This fall has been far busier than most even with Covid still canceling many of my usual haunts. I spent September on the road networking at several regional Horror Conventions with a fan filled time at Monster Mania 47 in Hunt Valley MD where I got to meet Kane Hodder, Richard Dreyfuss and  Robert Englund. I also made special plans to see Zach Galligan. Then I made the hard choice to sit out on the Chesapeake VA MonsterFest this year.  After a short break it was back to work and an week unlike any other. I was asked to return to Trimper's Amusements in Ocean City MD once again to do face painting which is always a creative stretch, but this year the weekend face paint bracketed a whirlwind of photoshoot sessions. One in Philadelphia PA working in tandem with Indulge Images Photography & Tim Warburton of Healing Hands Mobile Massages for a very special and highly secret project that we are all dying to show you. I left there where I was the artist to travel to Norfolk VA for another shoot where I was the model working with the talented ladies at Exxalted Boudoir- but those images are for me & them. But rest assured with me, they were halloweeny .
So here I am just weeks away from Halloween 2021 and faced with the knowledge that I may very well be sitting at home and watching Horror movies from my bed this year rather than venturing out once again. I am bone tired but this is my crazy time of year. Perhaps I will be busier next year or perhaps I may spread things out a bit.
We all know Grinch-mas is coming soon. Even with the store shelves bare and ship cargo sitting on the docks waiting to be delivered. The zombies have shambled on so Sandy Claws nd Krampus can't be far behind. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Spooky Season Begins

So this year post Covid-19 brings with it the chance to once more get out and be among my people. I love meeting and mingling with my fellow Horror Convention fans and vendors. I love to network and enjoy the chance to showcase the products from so many great creative folks. Every time I post a character I do my very best to credit all of the folks who helped me create the final look. This persons awesome teeth and that ones wicked horns. I credit the people whose contacts I wear ( when I can recall where I got them) and the people who crafters the amazing prosthetic appliances I use. Heck I even credit the people who design my outfit and take the pictures when I can. Collaboration is key right now. We all support one another and by doing so we open the doors to exposure of our work and how it has been showcased to a greater range of people. This year was special because I am hitting new conventions in new places. August was Scares that Care and Dover DE Comicon. So far I have just returned from NJ Horrorcon& filmfest in Atlantic City New Jersey. Next weekend I will be in Norfolk VA for Tidewater Horrorcon and then in Hampton for the  Haunted Screams. I still have Monster Mania the final week this month and October is just as busy. Look for updates and new photos as they become available. Stay Spooky!!

Yet Another Friday the 13th gone by

With Covid still around and mandatory mask making a comeback there are still conventions to attend people to see. Halloween is just around the corner ,even if Summer missed the memo to pack up and head out. What that means is more time to cosplay and  even start working with other models before I return to my Fall festivities once more at Trimper's Amusements on the boardwalk in Ocean City MD. First I have an September full of new conventions to attend. Some old and some new. Some I will just be a guest and others I am volunteering my time both in and out of costume. As my family and friends are well aware about this time of year with Theater colliding with conventions and  Halloween it becomes about like Where's Waldo to spot me. However you can be sure that until they lock us in I will be haunting the east coast. Find me at the New Jersey HorrorConvention & Filmfest , Haunted Screams in VA, Tidewater  HorrorCon in VA and Monster Mania. Can you spot me or my creations? Follow me on Instagram and Faceboook to see more of my work as I get time to upload them. 
Dover Comicon 2021 was fun. Working with Community Players of Salisbury on Para-Cles to be held at historic Furnace Town MD in just a week. And Auditions set next week for Noises Off I will be quite busy.
Unitil later- Sweet Screams

Happy Friday the 13th from 2020 - the year that almost didn't happen

2020-10-31 115514jpg While Covid-19 has certainly made Halloween 2020 much quieter than normal. I was very happy to have the chance to get out and create once again. I was asked by the  kind folks at Trimper's Rides in Ocean City MD to change their staff into zombies for the final weekend of October 2020. It was a task I am used to doing but have honestly never been the sole artist when creating zombie hordes for events. Since they are normally larger groups I have always worked as part of a team for most of my prior events as well as when I worked in OC Screams years ago. Time management and preparation become key when faced with having to do several people in a short amount of time. Also simplicity. My designs are normally very detailed and this time I learned to work fast and go for basic makeup tricks that pack punch and fool the eye. In the end I was exhausted but I think the staff and management were both happy with  my services and I gained more experience.
 Oddly these events led to me deciding last minute to not go out myself on Halloween. I did have the time to create several new character looks that I was quite happy with and I have made several new connections with people through all this down time Covid has created. While I am anxious to get back to work and have a potentially very busy 2021, I know that we are all holding our breath to see if things will go backwards before they get better.
 Keep Creating and People will notice.