Sorry about the delay

I know it has been a long hot minute since I updated this page. Sorry about that but I have been extremely busy. So busy that I have come off a science fiction film shoot to do Wizard of Oz for ballet returned to Tidewater Comicon. Left there and gone straight into Hair and makeup for Community Players of Salisbury’s production of Kiss me Kate. Come in from doing face painting at the Selbyville DE Old Timers Day .  Next up is Fredericksburg Comicon followed by the premiere of Farragut Forward in July. Which springboards into the indiegogo fund raising for the sequel to be filmed this fall. Oh and Ocean City Comicon where I won third place in the costume contest last year has asked me back once again in December when the show expands to 2 days. So yeah I have been a tiny bit busy but I made it out to Dover Comicon this month and to Ocean Renaissance. So pardon my dust as I catch a nap before heading to GenCon in Indianapolis next month end. 

Spring has Sprung

Which means I am hopping busy. So far March has featured back to back weekend conventions and travel to Virginia to see friends. I had a wonderful Easter Mini Photo Shoot with Culling Innovations where the Queen of Hearts showed up to teach Alice the fine art of Croquet in Wonderland. It would appear children may need a new way to get their eggs and candy. April brings with it some smaller local conventions which I hope to attend, but first Charles Townsend is filming a documentary about Women in Cosplay and we have an interview scheduled. After that Ocean City Maryland is hosting both the Ocean Reniassance Festival the  15&16th to be followed by a new convention of its kind. OC Animae will debut April 29 & 30th. I am hoping to be able to find time to check out both if my schedule permits.
Busy working on a new cosplay in preparation for my debut at TideWater Comiccon in Virginia Beach in May. So keep hopping.

Haunting Virginia

September 19 2022 -It is about this time of year every year so far that I have been spending alot of time in Virginia. I spent one weekend in Norfolk checking out the expanded  Tidewater Horror convention  and then just this pat weekend I was back at Hampton Roads for  the 2022 Haunted Screams Expo. True to form I brought costumes and did a little shopping amongst my merchant friends. I was unable to be part of the Monster On Makeup Wars challenge this year as my  makeup artist was away on assignment, but I did manage to bring home second place in the Adult Costume Contest. < Many thanks to Charles A Townsend for the amazing images he captured while at Haunted Screams.>This gives me just a few weeks to get together all the pieces I am making for Culling Innovations Halloween Mini Photo Shoot in Salisbury MD on October15th. But First...I have the distinct honor of having been asked to help with makeups for Farragut Forward a local ongoing Star Trek tribute  You Tube Film short being done locally. So Time to clean up my kit and polish up on my beauty skills. 

"Oh Look Another Glorious Morning. It Makes Me sick."- Winifred Sanderson Hocus Pocus

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

August 2022- So fall is finally here. That means I am kicked into high gear once again. Maryland Renaissance festival last weekend. This week I am on the road again to Norfolk VA for TideWater Horrorcon with a quick side trip to  check out this years Howl-O-Scream at BuschGardens Williamsburg. Still working on costumes for next weeks Haunted Screams in Hampton VA as well.  So busy but things keep squeezing into my jam packed schedule with a new special event I just got asked to help out on in Fredrick MD in October...Shh...mums the word for now..must not Jinx it. I have been getting some amazing conversations with a few local independent film makers and discussing their projects.  All this leading up to  my first trip to  FaerieCon in Baltimore in October and as quick trip to World Oddities..all before Halloween. Then there is the HUGE project I have been working on for my return to Ocean City Comicon once again in December. Never fear dear friends things are very active here @ Nightmares & Dayscreams. Can't forget to mention my true new collaborations with David Insley of Culling Innovations coming up in just a few weeks.  Time to get Spooky!! Many thanks to the one and only Father Evil for this stunning photo from our reunion at  Scares That Cares Charity Weekend 2022. 
 **I was So Thrilled to see that FatherEvil recieved a special recognition Award at the New Jersey Horror Film Festival  on September 17th and I truly wish I could have been there to celebrate his special moment with him. Well done my friend. You deserve it.** -xoxo

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Did you know?

 I volunteer alot in the community through out the year when not working on my own personal projects. I find that I am getting busier with each passing year even though last year was going to be slammed and several projects got delayed or fell through completely.
 I in fact got called upon to help out with Matilda for the Community Players of Salisbury and then got called upon to do Makeups for Legally Blonde Jr with the Ocean Pines Children's Theater. Then I had a small window where I got to clean up after the Ocean City ComicCon and I got to do some makeups for a whirlwind private session. I actually had 3 models to do makeups on and then was tasked with doing the photos when my normal photographer was unable to be there but loaned me the equipment. I learned alot and now have 3 more models who loved the experience. It was fun but a bit frazzling and now I know how to better manage my time and supplies for next go round. I also learned that I need lessons on how to get the best images from a DSLR camera.
 I am now helping another budding makeup artist learn some simple tricks and tips for her school Fantasy Makeup Challenges which she is probably going a bit more Gore than her school is used to. Realizing that these girls are more versed in beauty makeup than in Special FX we are walking the fine line between the full Gore I could teach her and the  simpler quick tricks that most folks learn for Halloween. Mostly because of budget and the fact she has a 1 hour application window that truly limits what she can achieve. Her teacher and former director we have both worked for has also asked me to be on hand behind the scenes to help with basic bald cap applications for Uncle Fester in an upcoming Addams Family school production where she is in charge of the makeups. He also has in mind inviting me to give basic theatrical makeup lecture to his drams classes sometime.
 Keep good relations and an open ear to any directors you work with. I find that my willingness to work and listen have helped establish a good rapport with most of the directors I have worked with in the past. This has lead to them calling me back each time they have a chance to put on another production. I am flexible and willing to work with other artisit's when scheduling timelines mean I can not achieve everything that is needed.  I do still have actors who will either consult with me before going out or  ask specifically for me to do their hair or makeup for shows, but I always try to channel the directors vision when I am involved in helping them bring their show to life. This often means that I am around while the cast are rehearsing lines or running scenes. I sometimes will even consult with or help with the wardrobe if they need it for quick changes as it helps me get a feel for the actors and the roles they are assuming. Overall it helps everyone bring the role to life as a cohesive image.
 So be willing to work but know your limitations. Be open to both give and accept help. I work with adults and children alike who have been doing drama longer than me so I will often step back if I feel the actor knows what to do and how to do it. The director will give us both pointers if he feels we are off track and then we work as a team to find ways to fine tune a look. In working with large groups and small staff this is key to getting everyone out in time. Moving forward I have made new contacts and tenative talks are in the works for additional projects but more on that as they develop. I have a stint as a leprechaun, a comic convention and then a road trip to New York all before Easter roles around with more theatrical productions and face painting work kicks into high gear. That leaves a short respite before Addams Family & Kiss Me Kate theater calls. 

Summer has Just begun but Fall is Heating Up

 It is no loss of irony to me that here it is just the beginning of June 2019 and I have been invited to create a horde of Zombies and survivors/victims for a Walking Dead themed photo shoot. Never before have my Zombies had to be able to withstand the onslaught of summer heat, daylight and still be worthy of a planned photoshoot. This is also my first time working with a photographer who is more like a director. I have my line up of  Zombies to transform as the end result looks he wants for each actor. I will keep you apprised. 
 Meanwhile I have already been informed that another photographer I have worked with in the past as a customer has contacted me for two character costumes and makeups that will be photographed but are being elevated to Brand Ambassadors for some side projects they are developing. 
 There is the busy summer schedule of face painting to be done for block parties and events in the community. Which will lead up to August and my annual trip to Scares that Care Weekend in Williamsburg VA. This year I am proudly volunteering for several events as well as have a special surprises lined up for that weekend, but that part is a secret.
 I was thrilled to learn that my fall may be even busier as I learned that I will be tapped as an Extra for the production of " To Avenge" due to be filmed here on our humble shores during the fall so that will be squeezed in amongst the normal Harvest & Halloween events to be followed by Float preparations for the Winter holiday parades and parties. 
 I am hoping my schedule allows me to complete my certification in both Airbrush Makeup and Makeup Mastery in time for 2020 but I will keep you posted.

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Once Upon A Time....

September and October were a blur here. With preparations for Halloween festivities merged with the demands of rehearsals for a community l theatrical production of Into the Woods my time was in high demand. After months of long days and late nights the parties were done and  the show was a wrap. I learned alot and made new friends as I flexed my skills to include more hair styling and wig work along with traditional theatrical makeup. Of course my main tasks were helping off stage with the myriad of hair and makeup changes often needed quickly when characters shift roles. But I learned teamwork with the actors and the wardrobe staff really helps make a daunting task more manageable. My director was clear about what he wanted and what he needed changing but he also was open to my suggestions so we worked well. The wardrobe staff were great and most of my actors knew how to do much of their own stage makeup and hair with only suggestions from me. We did have to tweak some things as the show moved from rehearsal to performance but it was a great learning experience. 
My own character creations turned out well and I managed to fit in a few costume competitions which I placed well in. So I will keep working. Presently I am in a short respite before Holiday Character parades and Christmas Pageants begin. I had reached out to our local children's theater group as well for their production set to open in January. Wondering if I have truly overbooked myself, perhaps the  Junior theater may well not need me this show. That being said I am currently free to indulge in private projects or open to bookings after January 20th- until then Happy Holidays to one and all.